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Cartier joins the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge to address environmental crisis

The leading luxury Maison accepts the invitation to the private sector made by Gucci President and CEO, Marco Bizzarri

Cartier, one of the world’s leading luxury Maisons, has joined the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge, a call to action

issued by Gucci President and CEO Marco Bizzarri, pledging

to support global business in the transition to a low-carbon, nature-positive economy.

Launched in 2019, the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge underlines the need for companies to take urgent action and implement a 360° climate strategy to create positive outcomes. The cornerstone of the Challenge to businesses is to take full responsibility and accountability for the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions they generate right away, and, after prioritizing emissions reduction, deliver nature- based climate solutions for all remaining annual emissions to help mitigate climate change and

biodiversity loss.

Cyrille Vigneron (President and CEO of Cartier International)

"We firmly believe that aspirations for a sustainable industry can only be achieved through collaborative said Cyrille Vigneron, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cartier International. “As citizens of the world, we believe it is our duty to protect its biodiversity and make a positive impact on the planet. This means enhancing Cartier’s support for innovative partnerships such as the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge issued by Marco Bizzarri and joining forces to deliver a positive impact on the planet and the people. We do hope that additional actors from the private sector will commit to join the challenge.”

“Given the escalated warnings in the UN’s recent report, it is becoming even clearer since I issued the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge in 2019 that we need to act now for nature, as it is simply not enough to focus solely on reducing emissions over the coming decades,” said Marco Bizzarri, Gucci President and CEO, “At Gucci we are committed to a nature positive approach and I applaud Cartier for joining the Challenge. Taking this leadership step to prioritise emissions reduction through their science-based target and holding themselves accountable for all their residual emissions every year by investing in nature-based solutions to protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems, are actions that are urgently needed to tackle the climate and nature crises.”

Biodiversity protection and environmental commitments have become key strategic priorities for the Maison, whose creativity and inspiration have always found their source in the beauty of the natural world. Cartier has committed to the criteria set forth by the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge, and the Maison’s sustainability efforts over the last years have already aligned with the spirit of the Challenge, ensuring that its activities ultimately have a limited impact on biodiversity:

- In 2020, Cartier increased the scope of carbon footprint measurement to include all indirect carbon emissions linked to its supply chain. In 2021, Cartier became a member of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) with ambitious climate targets. Through these targets, the Maison commits to reducing emissions 46% by 2030, to increasing the annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 48% in 2019 to 100% by 2021 and to continuing to annually source 100% renewable electricity through 2030. Cartier’s CO2 emission reduction targets are aligned with a 1,5° trajectory for its entire footprint, and therefore consistent with the reductions required to keep global warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement.

- Early 2022, Cartier joined the Science Based Target Network (SBTN) Corporate Engagement Program. This working group helps to develop science-based targets for nature in order to understand our impacts and dependencies on nature, measure them and set targets.

- In 2020, Cartier launched both Cartier For Nature, an independent structure fully funded by Cartier, supporting nature-based solutions to help protect, manage and restore our ecosystems in the long term, and joined The Lion’s Share fund, co-founded and fully supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNPD), supporting wildlife conservation and animal welfare.

- In 2021, Cartier joined forces with Kering to launch the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, welcoming all watch and jewellery brands with a national and international footprint willing to commit to a set of ambitious and common objectives in three areas: building climate resilience, preserving resources, and fostering inclusiveness.


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