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Writer's pictureEvely Oliveira

Emily Garcia: A Journey of Resilience and Success


Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

Producer: Zoid Creative Co. | @zoidcreative / Studio: Zoid Estúdio | @zoidestudio / Agency: ADR Agência | @adragencia / Creative Direction: Rafaela Guitel | @guitelrafaela / Executive Producer: Isabella Yogui | @bellayoguio / Photography: Felipe Adati | @feadati / Cover Video: Breno Rodriguez | @rodriguezbreno / Backstage: Lucas Calixto | @lukascalixto / Stylist: Giovanna de Vitto | @giovannadevitto / Beauty: Luciano Rodrigues | @lcfrbeauty / Hair: Raphael Gazpar | @raphaelgazz

Special Thanks: @caito.caito.caito / Editor-In-Chief Hooks: @directorhooks / Marketing Director: @mathlopes / Fashion Director Hooks: @evelyoliveira

On social media, where millions of people connect, one figure stands out not only for her impeccable style but also for the strength she exudes in each post. Emily Garcia, one of Brazil's most renowned digital influencers, has not only amassed an army of over 20 million followers but also won the hearts of all who admire her journey marked by overcoming challenges and triumph.

From a young age, Emily radiated a unique light that set her apart. Her path to the catwalk began at age 11 when, despite her family's financial difficulties, she attended Desirré Soares' modeling course with determination. The obstacles were many, but her passion and talent drove her to compete in "Juvenile Girl," the first of many contests that would come to define her career.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

The awards soon followed, culminating in the title of "Miss Teen Earth" in 2017, a milestone that opened doors to an international modeling career. However, it was not all smooth sailing: Emily faced tough battles against depression, a result of criticism and hate on social media. Periods of withdrawal ensued, but with the unwavering support of her family, she reemerged stronger than ever.

Stardom brought not only recognition but also the opportunity to change lives. With her growing success, Emily did not hesitate to give back, providing comfort and stability to those she loves. Gestures like gifting her parents a new car and supporting friends and family have become hallmarks of her generosity.

Her passion for fashion and desire to inspire led her to create her own brand, "Emily Beachwear," a swimwear line that reflects her inclusive and authentic vision. Despite the intense routine, the birth of her son Miguel brought a new purpose to her life and pushed her to resume her career with even more vigor.

Over the years, partnerships with renowned brands have solidified her influence in the market. Companies like Hidrabene, Shein, and Méiluz have recognized not only her reach but also her unique ability to genuinely connect with her audience, sharing not just products but also life experiences.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

Dress: @fauvebrand | Belt: @gigi_studio | Gloves: @acervodasprima | Flats: @arezzo

Emily is not just an influential voice on social media; she is a beacon of hope for millions who, like her, face challenges and fight for their dreams. In her own words:

"If I can be for someone what I didn't have when I needed it most, then every difficulty will have been worth it."

Check out the exclusive interview:

1- Emily, first of all, it is a pleasure to have you with us today! You have achieved a high level of success. Looking back at your childhood, when did you realize you wanted to pursue a career as a model and digital influencer?

The pleasure is all mine to be part of this amazing team and wonderful work. Initially, the career of an influencer came as a consequence of my work as a model, which is indeed what I dreamed of. Since I was little, I always wanted to be in the artistic field; it was already a desire that lived inside me, whether as a model, actress, or even singer. When I was young, neighbors and family members always commented, "This girl has the makings of a model, even the way she walks is like she's on a runway," or "She has a very photogenic face, she'd be great in campaigns and magazines." These comments only fueled the desire that already lived within me. At the age of 12, I took a modeling course in my city and participated in various beauty contests, accumulating several titles and crowns. At the time, it was the Miss Teen category, as I was too young to compete in the adult contests. I won Miss Teen Londrina (city), then Miss Teen Paraná (state), followed by Miss Teen Brazil (national), and finally, Miss Teen Universe. Representing Brazil, I went to Ecuador in search of the international title and won it. Campaigns and jobs started to appear, and by the age of 16/17, I already had my financial independence, even if it wasn't much, it was something for me!
Also, at that time, the influencer Rezende needed a young, charismatic, and beautiful girl to make appearances on his YouTube channel. Coincidentally, a member of his team was a photographer from one of the contests I had participated in and recommended me. After appearing on his channel, my social media presence grew increasingly as I continued to win over the audience.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

2- Your mother has always been a great support for you, especially during difficult times. How would you describe her importance in your journey?

My mother was a pillar to keep me from giving up; she was always there by my side, holding my hand through thick and thin. My father didn't believe it would work out and thought it was "money thrown away" because we had to take from what we didn't have to buy a "pair of shoes" for a fashion show or clothes for events. So, my mother was the one seeking sponsorships, knocking on doors! She was with me through every moment, and she is a big part of my success. Today, I give back with great gratitude by doing the minimum: honoring my parents, fulfilling their dreams, and always doing my best. In fact, I even do things for them before doing them for myself. The first money I managed to save, I bought a better car for my parents because at that time, theirs was almost breaking down from all the running around my mother did for me.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

Dress & Corset: @fauvebrand

3- You faced criticism and haters on social media, which resulted in a period of depression. This shows how vulnerable we can be to the negative aspects of the internet and how important it is to have support and take care of our mental health. How did you manage to overcome this situation and come back stronger?

Yes, I had a critical phase in terms of mental health, which resulted in deep depression. I was bedridden, unable even to get up to take a shower, unable to eat properly, which led to significant weight loss, and I couldn't work, causing my income to plummet. The reason was that my Instagram following was growing rapidly. Consequently, as the compliments increased, so did the criticism. I wasn't prepared to handle it. It was something I absorbed deeply, causing me immense harm. I had to acknowledge my condition, and with the help of my family, I sought treatment from psychologists, psychiatrists, therapies, and medications. This is how I started to recover and gradually build resilience. My faith also played a crucial role in helping me get back on my feet and fortify myself. The fact is that I have always been a 100% transparent person, not following any "character" or wearing any mask, very authentic, with mistakes and successes but always very transparent. However, today, after years on the internet, I am much more resilient and balanced regarding this.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

4- Motherhood has brought a new purpose to your life. How has being Miguel's mother influenced your perspective on work and personal life?

Motherhood has definitely brought a new purpose and maturity to my life. Let's say that when a child is born, we mothers "are reborn." Before motherhood, I was more "reckless," sometimes even irresponsible... Today, I know that I have a little being who is my life, totally dependent on me, which makes me wake up every day with a desire to always evolve and become a better human being. I work hard to always provide the best for him.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

5- You have always had a passion for fashion, which inspired you to create your own swimwear brand, "Emily Beachwear." What has been the most rewarding and the most challenging part of this venture?

I've always loved bikinis, so I wanted to step out of my "comfort zone" and take on this new challenge of "entrepreneurship." I sought to create something from scratch that reflected my identity while incorporating inclusivity for all body types, etc. I felt fulfilled seeing the models wearing something that was "mine," you know? However, the most challenging part, and this is no surprise, is that entrepreneurship is not as simple and easy as some people "think." It requires resilience and a lot of focus because there are indeed many challenges, especially when starting from scratch.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

Emily wears/ Dress: @acervodasprima | Sunglasses: @balenciaga by @protusgroupbr | Necklace: @minhavotinha | Sandals: @arezzo

6- Throughout your career, you've partnered with major brands. Which collaboration was the most significant for you and why?

I believe it wasn't the largest, but certainly the most significant was a campaign with SHEIN. We developed a collection "SHEIN x Emily Garcia", featuring pieces that resonated with my lifestyle and personal style, available in various sizes, including plus size. Unlike anything I've done before, these were not just promotional looks; they were designed exclusively for me. It was incredible to embrace inclusivity across sizes. What I find most fulfilling are the daily photo shoots or filming sessions, where I can showcase the modeling skills I've honed over the years and see my passion for fashion come to life in my daily work.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine

7- And last but not least: What is your voice? What would you like to say to the world if you had the opportunity?

I see that many people, when they gain fame and recognition, forget all the difficult past they had, and they don't remember that it was this troubled past that got them to the moments of glory nowadays. If there's one thing I don't forget, it's the battles and hardships that brought me to where I am today. I believe that my life's resilience is what makes so many people interested in following my journey and connecting with me. I want to be a life inspiration to many people, whether it's believing in love again, knowing the power that family has to change our lives, or always striving to be surrounded by people who want the best for you and your happiness, regardless of anything.

Emily Garcia for Hooks Magazine


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Sep 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Miss teen forever


Aug 19
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Aug 19
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Aug 02
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Aug 02
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Emily Garcia a eterna miss teen!!! Maravilhosa!

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